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Electric Bicycle Maintenance
Pay attention to cleaning first, and clean it in time after encountering water, especially salt water in winter (many cities spray salt water after heavy snow in winter to avoid freezing), otherwise it will easily cause metal parts to rust and paint film to age and fall off. The second is to pay attention to the maximum adjustment height. After riding a new car for a period of time, the whole car should be checked and adjusted according to the requirements of the manual. Tightening and lubrication are essential at this time. Check whether the fasteners are loose and whether the transmission parts are flexible. Pay attention to wipe off the slick oil after the chain is lubricated, and apply a little oil to the flywheel. The tire inflation should be proper, otherwise it will affect the riding comfort and service life. Brakes are the basic guarantee of safety, and should be checked at any time. As long as any problem is found, it should be adjusted or repaired immediately.
1. Before using the electric bicycle, the height of the saddle and handlebar should be adjusted to ensure riding comfort and reduce fatigue. The height of the saddle and handlebar should vary from person to person. Generally, the height of the saddle is suitable for the rider to be able to land on one foot reliably (the whole bike should be basically kept upright), and the height of the handlebar is based on the rider's forearm lying flat, shoulder It is appropriate to relax your arms. However, the adjustment of the saddle and handlebar should first ensure that the insertion depth of the pipe and the riser must be higher than the safety mark line.
2. Check and adjust the front and rear brakes before using the electric bicycle. The front brake is controlled by the right brake lever and the rear brake is controlled by the left lever. The adjustment of the front and rear brakes is appropriate when the left and right brake handles reach half of the stroke, and the brakes can be reliably braked; the brake skins are excessively worn and should be replaced in time.
3. Check the tightness of the chain before using the electric bicycle. If the chain is too tight, it will be laborious to pedal, and if the chain is too loose, it will easily vibrate and rub against other parts. The sag of the chain is 1-2mm, which can be adjusted properly when riding without pedals. When adjusting the chain, first loosen the rear wheel nut, adjust the chain tightness by evenly screwing in and out the left and right chain adjustment screws, and re-tighten the rear wheel nut.
4. Before using the electric bicycle, check the lubrication of the chain. Feel and observe whether the chain shaft of the chain rotates flexibly and whether the chain links are seriously corroded. If it is rusted or the rotation is not flexible, it should be filled with an appropriate amount of lubricating oil, and if it is serious, the chain should be replaced.
5. Before riding an electric bicycle, check the tire pressure, handlebar steering flexibility, front and rear wheel rotation flexibility, circuits, battery power, motor working conditions, and whether the lights, horns, fasteners, etc. meet the requirements for use.
(1) Insufficient tire pressure will increase the friction between the tire and the road surface, thereby shortening the mileage; it will also reduce the flexibility of the handlebar rotation, which will affect the comfort and safety of riding. When the air pressure is insufficient, the air pressure should be replenished in time. The tire pressure should follow the recommended air pressure in the "Electric Bicycle Instruction Manual" or the specified air pressure on the tire surface.
(2) When the handlebars are not flexible to rotate, stuck, stiff or tight, they should be lubricated or adjusted in time. Grease, calcium-based or lithium-based grease is generally used for lubrication; when adjusting, first loosen the lock nut of the front fork, rotate the upper gear of the front fork, and lock the lock nut of the front fork when the rotation flexibility of the handlebar meets the requirements.
(3) The rotation flexibility of the front and rear wheels is not good, which will increase the rotational friction and increase the power consumption, thereby reducing the mileage. Therefore, once a failure occurs, it should be lubricated and maintained in time. Grease, calcium-based or lithium-based grease is generally used for lubrication; if the shaft skin is faulty, the steel ball or shaft skin can be replaced. If it is a motor fault, it should be repaired by a professional maintenance unit.
(4) When checking the circuit, turn on the power switch to check whether the circuit is unblocked, whether the connectors are firmly and reliably inserted, whether the fuse works normally, especially whether the connection between the battery output terminal and the cable is firm and reliable. If a fault is found, it should be eliminated in time.
(5) Before traveling, check the power of the battery, and judge whether the power of the battery is sufficient according to the mileage of the trip. If the power is not enough, it should be properly supplemented by manpower riding to avoid battery undervoltage work.
(6) Check the working condition of the motor before travelling. Start the motor and adjust its speed to observe and listen to the operation of the motor. If there is any abnormal phenomenon, it should be repaired in time.
(7) Before using electric bicycles, check the lights, horns, etc., especially when traveling at night. The headlights should be bright, and the light beam should generally fall within the range of 5-10 meters in front of the front of the car; the sound of the horn should be loud and not hoarse; the turn signals should flash normally, and the direction indicators should flash normally, and the flashing frequency of the lights should be 75-80 times per minute; The display should be normal.
(8) Before traveling, check whether the main fasteners are fastened, such as the fasteners of the cross tube, handlebar, saddle, saddle tube, front wheel, rear wheel, center shaft, lock nut, pedals, etc. It should not be loose. If the fasteners are loose or fall off, they should be tightened or replaced in time. The recommended torque distance of each fastener is generally: 18N.m for the handle bar, stem tube, saddle, saddle tube, front wheel, and pedals, and 30N.m for the center shaft lock nut and rear wheel.
6. Try not to use zero-start (i.e. in-situ start) for electric bicycles, especially when carrying weight and going uphill. When starting, you should first use human power to ride, and then switch to electric driving when reaching a certain speed, or directly use electric assist to drive. This is because when starting, the motor must first overcome the static friction force. At this time, the current is relatively large, approaching or even reaching the blocking current, which makes the battery work with a large current and accelerates the damage of the battery.
7. Try to use human-assisted or electric-assisted driving methods when riding an electric bicycle, especially when going uphill, carrying a load, driving against the wind or on rough roads, you must use human power to help you ride. In this way, the battery can be prevented from being discharged by a large current for a long time, which may damage the battery, which is beneficial to improving the continuous mileage of one charge and prolonging the service life of the battery.
8. Electric bicycles are not suitable for rough or steep roads (generally should be ≤8°). If you encounter such a road, you should drive slowly or get out of the car and push it. Driving on this kind of road surface, the working environment of the motor, controller, battery, etc. will be poor, which will reduce the service life and be easily damaged.
9. Frequent braking and starting should be avoided when electric bicycles are driving. The speed control should be returned to the position before braking or at the same time, and human-powered riding should be used as much as possible in areas surrounded by roads. In this way, it is possible to avoid damage to the battery caused by high current during starting.
10. The standard loading capacity of electric bicycles is 75 kg, and overloading should be avoided as much as possible. If the vehicle is overloaded, human-powered riding and human-assisted driving should be used.
11. When using electric bicycles in cold weather, try to drive manually or electrically; and pay attention to the power and voltage indication of the battery. When the weather is cold, the discharge depth of the battery should be appropriately reduced, and driving under the condition of voltage must not be allowed. This is because the charging and discharging capabilities of the battery are reduced when the weather is cold.
12. Electric bicycles are not afraid of rain and snow. However, when wading in stagnant water, the water level cannot exceed the lower edge of the electric hub bearing seat to prevent damage to the motor caused by water ingress. After riding in rainy or snowy days, wipe it clean as soon as possible; if the electrical parts are soaked in water, you should also dry them with a hair dryer. In order to avoid corrosion of iron parts and circuit leakage, short circuit and other faults.
13. When riding in rainy and snowy days, the driving speed should be appropriately reduced, and the braking distance should be increased to prevent side slips and U-turns, so as not to endanger personal safety.
14. Electric bicycles should avoid long-term sunlight exposure, and should be stored in a cool place. Exposure to sunlight will accelerate the aging of paint, plastic parts, rubber parts and electronic components, reducing their service life and reliability.
15. When charging the battery, use the matching charger or the charger of the manufacturer's designated model, and do not mix them; when charging, the battery and the charger should be placed in a cool and ventilated place, and placed safely. They should be kept away from flammable and explosive products, and avoid high temperature, humidity and water. , It is forbidden to cover with objects, and it is forbidden for infants and young children to touch. When charging, first confirm that the voltage and frequency of the grid meet the requirements of the charger, then connect the battery to the output of the charger, and the input of the charger to the grid; after charging, disconnect the grid first, then disconnect the charger from the battery Connection. It usually takes 6-8 hours to charge a lead-acid battery.
16. When the battery reaches the undervoltage state, stop using it and charge it as soon as possible. It is forbidden to use the recovery voltage of the battery, and it is forbidden to deep discharge and over discharge the battery. It is recommended to charge at least once a day.
17. When storing the battery, it should be placed in a cool place with moderate air humidity, and the battery should be kept upright; for long-term storage, it should be fully charged first and should be replenished regularly, usually once a month. When the lead-acid battery is stored for a long time, a few drops of distilled water can be added to offset the evaporation of water and reduce the vulcanization of the plate.
18. When using an electric bicycle for the first time, you should read the "Instruction Manual" carefully to understand the performance of the electric bicycle. Do not lend an e-bike to someone who cannot handle it.
19. Mental patients, alcoholics and other disabled persons who are not suitable for riding are prohibited from using electric bicycles; patients with heart disease, epilepsy and color blindness should be cautious when riding.
20. Electric bicycles are non-motor vehicles. When riding, they should obey the traffic rules and drive on non-motor vehicle lanes or local prescribed lanes.
21. Electric bicycles should be stored in a cool, ventilated, dry place away from corrosive liquids and gases; when storing, the whole vehicle should be upright with sufficient tire pressure; heavy objects should not be loaded on the vehicle body; and the battery should be stored separately.
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